Pandas are one of my favourite animals and after making
reindeer cakes I really wanted to try making a panda version. I love animals,
which a lot of children do too so I thought animal themed cupcakes
would be a great idea for a party.
I had a few ideas myself of how to make panda cupcakes such
as with Oreos for ears and I also had a browse on the internet to see what else
I could find. Turns out they are a popular style of cake to make as I found many
different versions, for example on this website:
Then my Mum borrowed a cupcake recipe book from a friend
which had an amazing recipe for how to make them. Here's a bit about the book...
Hello, Cupcake! By Karen Tack & Alan Richardson.
Hello, Cupcake! By Karen Tack & Alan Richardson.
This book is a great source to get many ideas for party cakes that children
would love; so as the book states “find a project that tickles your fancy, grab
a bag or two of candy, and get ready to put your smile into overdrive. It’s
time to get this party started” (1).
I too did what they said and got prepared to make panda cupcakes using the 'Pandamonium' recipe which you’ll see the results of in my next post!
Karen Tack & Alan Richardson. Hello, Cupcake! New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2008.
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